
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Virtual Drives Command

Virtual Drives Command let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (AKA MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive.
Drives that are created with Virtual Drives Command will stay even efter you will restart your system, and you can quickly remove them with Virtual Drives Command.
Virtual Drives Command is the console version of "Virtual Drives Manager" for users who need to manage virutal drives from a script or a batch file.
The GUI version of Virtual Drives Manager can be found at the previous post or:

Virtual Drives Command options can be found in the readme.txt file.

Freeware by Leelu Soft 2009
Download (single file no install) 390kb:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Virtual Drives Manager 1.0

There are a lot of reasons why we need sometimes to create a virtual drive that is pointing to an existing folder on a local drive.
There are some annoying applications that insist on being installed to a specific drive or to the root of a drive, sometimes you just want to logically divide your existing hard drive for different users, or to create a quick access to a long path directly from My Computer, or for some security reasons, etc.
Virtual Drives Manager let you in a quick way, create a Symbolic link (AKA MS-DOS Device name) to a folder and present it as drive.

Drives that are created with Virtual Drives Manager will stay even efter you will restart your system, and you can quickly remove them with Virtual Drives Manager.

Virtual Drives Manager is a portable application, There is no install process, just unzip to any folder and run it.
Like all other LeeLu Soft software it is very simple to use.
Virtual Drives Manager was tested on Windows XP Pro (SP3) and Windows 7 Ultimat but should run on other Windows versions

Freeware by LeeLu Soft 2009

Download Virtual Drives Manager portable:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Registry Live Watch 1.0

Registry Live Watch is a free, lightweight and portable tool to monitor activity on a registry key.
The tool can run minimized at the system tray (notification area) and monitor a registry key (also sub keys and vlues) for different kind of changes.
Registry Live Watch is consuming a very small amount of resources.
This program is not changing any registry settings, it is only a monitoring tool that watch the registry on a read only mode.
Registry Live Watch is a tool for pc users that knows and understand the windows registry.
Registry Live Watch was tested on Windows XP Pro and Windows 7 Ultimat but should run on other Windows versions.

Freeware By LeeLu Soft 2009

Download Registry Live portable:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Application Paths Editor 1.0

Back in the old DOS days, when you wanted to run a program from any location (folder), you would have to add the application path to the autoexec.bat file so it will be a part of the search path.
When we moved to the Windows world, running a program from the command line is not somthing you do often, but running a command from the Start->Run dialog (or Windows+R in Windows 7) is something very useful like typing mspaint or notepad.
But how can we make Windows Run dialog recognize more commands ? and how can we set the command name to launch this programs with any name we like ? and what other programs Windows recognize already ?
This is where application paths comes to help.

So what are Application Paths ?
Application Paths are registry Keys and values that are made for that issue, when you type a command on the Run dialog, Windows is searching the search path and the registry keys of Application Path to find the actual location of the program and execute it.
Important note for Windows 7 users, to launch the legacy Run dialog you have to press on Windows Key + R, Application Paths will not work from the Start->search run dialog unless the App Path command name will be the same as the original executable name.

What is Application Paths Editor ?
Application Path Editor is a protable Windows program to Add, Edit and delete Application Paths in a quick and safe way, so you can decide what are the commands Windows will recognize and what they will execute, so you can put less shortcuts on your desktop or in your Windows folder and you will know what is running with each command.

Read the readme.txt file for additional instructions

Freeware by LeeLu Soft 2009

Download Application Paths Editor portable:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Startup Discoverer 1.0

When Microsoft Windows based operating system starts, it can auto load programs from different locations.
Startup Discoverer will list for you this programs and the source quickly by categories or as one list, it then can be saved as a text file or printed.
Startup Discoverer can be very useful when troubleshooting Windows.
Startup Discoverer is a portable application, There is no install process, just unzip to any folder and run it.
Like all other LeeLu Soft software it is very simple to use.
The main interface have 19 categories that you can click on to get the auto load programs for each category.
Blue category label means that there are auto programs in this category, black label means empty category.
you can click on "Show all runs" button to list all auto loads from all categories.
It is also possible to save a list as a text file and to print the a list to the default printer.

Startup Discoverer was tested on Windows XP Pro and Windows 7 Ultimat but should run on other Windows versions.

Watch a demo on YoTube

Freeware by LeeLu Soft 2009

Download Startup Discoverer portable: