Click Here for Tray Cleaner version 2.0
Tray cleaner is a small and portable tool to clean your System Tray (notification area) from past items (even if you don't see them).
The tool is very simple to use, just one click to clean, if there are no past items, Tray cleaner will inform you and the Clear button will be disabled.
Freeware by LeeLu Soft 2009
Avira antivir detects a trojan ...?
I don't know why, my software is clean !
Doesn't remove ALL past entries. When I ran it, it failed to remove 2 notifications for software that no longer exists on my system.
Maybe they are reloaded from one of the auto runs locations. like HKLM Run or HKCU Run etc.
This software doesn't clean the startup auto runs
Update for the missing right buttons:
Works fine, can see all buttons, but on a notebook screen it is quite difficult to read but I can still make out the text with difficulty.
Yes, it seams that you have a trojan in there:
This is just a typical AV software hysterical bullshit , I can publish my source code if needed !
I'm Using AVG free and it is also claiming that trayC7.exe have a trojan, this app is so simple, just a few lines of code, I will supply the source to everyone that will ask for it
Here is a link to Softpedia Secutiy check for tray cleaner, as you can see it is 100% clean, no virus, no trojans, no spyware or adware:
Just tried it on Win XP Home SP2, and though, I have 88 Past Items listed, the Tray Cleaner states there's nothing to clear.
Does it require a restart, maybe?
The "John Smith" post appears to be a bit of spam. The website comes up on my PC on "Web Of Trust" as suspect scareware or used for downloading rogue software.
>Trojan-PSW.Win32.Agent.obs/High Risk is what my Zone Alarm AV tells me...if this is a false positive I suggest you get to the bottom of it, friend. no "bullshit", just advice. best of luck
Hi all, all my published software is compressed with UPX to reach a small executables files, some of the AV products identifies it as a trojan, I will add a link for the uncompressed version, any way, the software is clean !
The link for a non-compressed version is there:
Thank you, Zvika. After I posted I noticed the link you added near the top of the page. Sorry I overlooked it. Thanks for your efforts! -- Keith
Zvika, sorry to bother you again but I need the uncompressed XP version, not the Vista/Win7 version of Tray Cleaner.
It is not a bother at all, there it is:
un saluto a tutti ,per tutti coloro che hanno installato tray cleaner ,posso assicurare che non c'e' nessun virus trojan, la rivista di pc world parla di questo programma ,e' assicura che un falso allarme , percio' potete stare tranquilli ,forse potete dare una occhiata sul sito ufficiale ,perche' pare che ci sia una versione senza installare ,che puo' riaggirare il problema . spero di essere stato d'aiuto ,un saluto maik48
Norton has zipped file containing a Trojan.
Norton has uncompressed file containing a key logger.
This will scare potential users off from this software.....
As I wrote before, this is a very simple code that is deleting a registry key, I can't change AV Products or vendors.
The code is safe and simple.
Worked perfectly with Win 7 and ESET Smart Security. Deleted multiple unused system tray icons.
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